Kali NetHunter Kernels

Display Name Kernel ID Android Version Linux Version Kernel Version Description Features Author Source
Oppo A37fw (2016) a37 ten 3.10 LineageOS 17.1 diamant3 git clone https://github.com/diamant3/kernel_oppo_A37f.git -b lineage-17.1
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2015) a5ulte marshmallow 3.10 CyanogenMod 13 DeadSquirrel01 git clone https://github.com/DeadSquirrel01/nethunter-kernel-a5ulte.git -b cm-13.0
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2015) a5ulte-touchwiz marshmallow 3.10 TouchWiz 6 DeadSquirrel01 git clone https://github.com/DeadSquirrel01/nethunter-kernel-a5ulte.git -b touchwiz-6.0
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016) a5xelte nougat 3.10 TouchWiz Grace HID, Injection, RTL8812AU Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_samsung-a5xelte -b nethunter-7.0
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016) a7xelte eleven 3.10 LineageOS 18.1 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_samsung_universal7580 -b lineage-18.1
ZTE Axon 7 ailsa_ii marshmallow 3.18 Android 6 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_zte_msm8996.git -B nethunter-6.0
Xiaomi Poco F3 alioth-los fourteen 4.19 Android 14 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, BT_RFCOMM, Internal_BT, NFS Hani K. git clone https://github.com/Hani-K/Bifr0st.git -b 14.0-alioth
Nexus 6P angler marshmallow 3.10 Android 6 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/AK-Angler.git
Nexus 6P angler nougat 3.10 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_huawei_angler -b nethunter-7.1_2
Nexus 6P angler oreo 3.10 Android 8.1 BT_RFCOMM, CDROM, HID, Injection, Nexmon, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS, Internal BT Re4son & yesimxev git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_huawei_angler -b nethunter-8.1
Nexus 6P angler-los ten 3.10 LineageOS 17.1 & Pixel Experience 10 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, Nexmon, RTL8812AU, Internal BT, RTL8188EUS Re4son & yesimxev git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_huawei_angler_pixel -b nethunter-10.0
Google Pixel 3 blueline Snow Cone Android 12 4.9 Android 12 HID, Injection Alynx git clone https://github.com/v3rb0se/alynx-nethunter/
Google Pixel 3 blueline Tiramisu Android 13 4.9 1.2 Android 13 HID, Injection, BT_RFCOMM, RTL8XXX Alynx git clone https://github.com/v3rb0se/alynx-nethunter/
Google Pixel 3 XL crosshatch Snow Cone Android 12 4.9 Android 12 HID, Injection Alynx git clone https://github.com/v3rb0se/alynx-nethunter/
Google Pixel 3 XL crosshatch Tiramisu Android 13 4.9 1.2 Android 12 HID, Injection, BT_RFCOMM Alynx git clone https://github.com/v3rb0se/alynx-nethunter/
Google Pixel 4a sunfish Snow Cone Android 12 4.9 Android 12L HID, Injection Alynx git clone https://github.com/V3rB0se/Alynx-nethunter-sunfish
Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC surya Tiramisu Android 13 4.9 4.14 LineageOS 20 HID-4, Injection, RTL8812AU, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM r0ttenbeef git clone https://github.com/r0ttenbeef/android_kernel_xiaomi_surya -b lineage-20
Google Pixel 4a 5G bramble Snow Cone Android 12 4.9 Android 12L HID, Injection Alynx git clone https://github.com/V3rB0se/redbull
Nexus 5X bullhead marshmallow 3.04 Android 6 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-bullhead-3.10-marshmallow
Nexus 5X bullhead nougat 3.04 Android 7.1 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git
Nexus 5X bullhead oreo 3.04 Android 8.1 HID, Injection, RTL8812AU Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_lge_bullhead -b nethunter-8.1
Xiaomi Mi 3 & Mi 4 cancrocm marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_xiaomi_cancro.git -b cm-13.0
Motorola Moto G5 cedric-nougat nougat 3.18 LineageOS 14.1 HID rajeshdubey293 git clone https://github.com/rajeshdubey293/android_kernel_motorola_msm8937 -b cm-14.1
Motorola Moto G5 cedric oreo 3.18 LineageOS 15.1 HID rajeshdubey293 git clone https://github.com/rajeshdubey293/al-ice_cedric.git -b working
Xiaomi Mi 9T davinci-miui ten 4.14 MIUI Global 11 HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_xiaomi_davinci_hasty -b nethunter-10.0
Sony Xperia ZR dogo marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 HID, Injection Daedroza git clone https://github.com/daedroza/nethunter_kernel_apq8064.git -b master
Google Pixel C dragon nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_google_chromeos.git -b nethunter-7.1
Nokia 6.1 Plus drg eleven 4.4 LineageOS 18.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, CDROM, Internal BT, RTL8188EUS yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_nokia_sdm660 -b lineage-18.1
Nokia 6.1 Plus drg thirteen 4.4 LineageOS 20 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, CDROM, Internal BT, RTL8188EUS, RTL-BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_nokia_sdm660 -b lineage-20
Nokia 3.1 es2 pie 3.18 Android 9.0 BT_RFCOMM, CDROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_nokia_es2.git -b Pie-v3.180
Nexus 7 (2013) flo kitkat 3.04 Android 4.4 Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-flo-3.4-kitkat-mr2
Nexus 7 (2013) flo lollipop 3.04 Android 5 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/flo.git -b ElementalX-4.00
Nexus 7 (2013) flo marshmallow 3.04 Android 6 BT_RFCOMM, CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/flo.git -b ElementalX-5.00
Nexus 7 (2013) flocm marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod BT_RFCOMM, CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_flo.git -b cm-13.0
Nexus 9 flounder lollipop 3.10 Android 5 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/flounder.git -b android-tegra-flounder-3.10-lollipop-release
Nexus 9 flounder marshmallow 3.10 Android 6 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/flounder.git -b android-tegra-flounder-3.10-marshmallow-release
Nexus 9 flounder nougat 3.10 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection SecurityAddicted git clone https://github.com/SecurityAddicted/ElementalX-N9-Nethunter.git
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p1 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 Boot Partition 1 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p1 oreo 3.18 Android 8.1 Boot Partition 1 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter-8.1
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p2 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 Boot Partition 2 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p2 oreo 3.18 Android 8.1 Boot Partition 2 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter-8.1
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p3 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 Boot Partition 3 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter
Planet Computers Gemini PDA gemini4g_p3 oreo 3.18 Android 8.1 Boot Partition 3 BT_RFCOMM, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gemini-kali-linux-kernel-3.18 -b nethunter-8.1
Nexus 7 (2012) grouper kitkat 3.01 Android 4.4 Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_asus_grouper.git -b android-tegra3-grouper-3.1-lollipop-release_tegra-l4t-r16-16.5 nexus7_2012-5
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 gracelte marshmallow 3.18 Grace UI CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890.git -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 graceltekor marshmallow 3.18 Grace UI CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890/commits -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 LTE gts4llte oreo 4.04 Android 8.1 HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gts4lwifi -b 8.1-nethunter
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 WiFi gts4lwifi oreo 4.04 Android 8.1 HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/gts4lwifi -b 8.1-nethunter
LG G5 T-Online h830 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 (T-Online) HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_lge_msm8996.git -b nethunter-7.0
LG G5 T-Online h850 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 (T-Online) HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_lge_msm8996.git -b nethunter-7.0
LG V20 T-Online h918 nougat 3.18 Android 7.0 HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_lge_msm8996.git -b nethunter-7.0
LG V20 International h990 nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 with dirtysanta patch HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_lge_msm8996 -b nethunter-7.0
LG V20 International h990 oreo 3.18 Android 8 HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_lg_h990 -b nethunter-8.0
LG V20 International h990 eleven 3.18 LineageOS 18.1 HID, Injection, CD-ROM, RTL8188EUS, RTL88XXAU, Internal BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_lge_msm8996 -b nethunter-gamma-pie
LG V20 International h990 twelve 4.04 LineageOS 19.1 HID, Injection, CD-ROM, RTL8188EUS, RTL88XXAU, Internal BT, NFS yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_lge_msm8996 -b lineage-19.1
Nexus 5 hammerhead kitkat 3.04 Android 4.4 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/furnace_kernel_lge_hammerhead.git -b android-4.4
Nexus 5 hammerhead lollipop 3.04 Android 5 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-hammerhead-3.4-lollipop-release
Nexus 5 hammerhead marshmallow 3.04 Android 6 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, Nexmon Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead -b nethunter-7.1
Nexus 5 hammerhead nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, Nexmon Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead -b nethunter-7.1
Nexus 5 hammerheadcafcm nougat 3.04 CAF CyanogenMod 14.1 HID, Injection chrisk44 git clone https://github.com/chrisk44/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead.git -b cm-14.1-caf
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2lte marshmallow 3.18 TouchWiz 6.0 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890 -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2lte oreo 3.18 TouchWiz Grace CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/NetHunter-s7-kernel-StockOreo.git -b nethunter-8.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2lte-cm nougat 3.18 LineageOS 14.1 CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/NetHunter-s7-kernel-LineageOS14.1.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2lte-cm pie 3.18 LineageOS 16.0 CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-s7-kernel-LineageOS16.0.git -b lineage-16.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2lte-cm pie 3.18 OneUI 1.0 CDROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EU Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-s7-kernel-WirusMOD-AiO.git -b aio-mkv8
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge hero2ltekor marshmallow 3.18 TouchWiz 6.0 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890 -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte marshmallow 3.18 TouchWiz 6.0 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890 -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte oreo 3.18 TouchWiz Grace CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/NetHunter-s7-kernel-StockOreo.git -b nethunter-8.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte-cm nougat 3.18 LineageOS 14.1 CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/NetHunter-s7-kernel-LineageOS14.1.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte-cm pie 3.18 LineageOS 16.0 CDROM, HID, Injection Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-s7-kernel-LineageOS16.0.git -b lineage-16.0
Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte-cm pie 3.18 OneUI 1.0 CDROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EU Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-s7-kernel-WirusMOD-AiO.git -b aio-mkv8
Samsung Galaxy S7 heroltekor marshmallow 3.18 TouchWiz 6.0 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890 -b nethunter-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (Snapdragon) r8q ten 4.19 OneUI 2.5 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-Kernel-S20_FE_5G.git -b nethunter-10.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (Snapdragon) r8q eleven 4.19 OneUI 3.0 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-Kernel-S20_FE_5G.git -b nethunter-11.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (Snapdragon) r8q twelve 4.19 OneUI 4.0 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-Kernel-S20_FE_5G.git -b nethunter-12.0
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G (Snapdragon) r8q twelve 4.19 OneUI 5.0 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS Svirusx git clone https://github.com/Svirusx/Nethunter-Kernel-S20_FE_5G.git -b nethunter-13.0
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltecan lollipop 3.04 Cyanogenmod 12 (Canada, Mexico, and T-Mobile) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-L
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltecan marshmallow 3.04 Cyanogenmod 13 (Canada, Mexico, and T-Mobile) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-M
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltecan-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Canada, Mexico, and T-Mobile) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltedcm-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Japanese NTT Docomo) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hlteeur lollipop 3.04 Cyanogenmod 12 (International / European) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-L
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hlteeur marshmallow 3.04 Cyanogenmod 13 (International / European) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-M
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hlteeur-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (International / European) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hlteeur-cm nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (International / European) CDROM, HID, Injection 4E656F git clone https://github.com/0x4E0x650x6F/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltekdi-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Japanese NTT Docomo) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltekor lollipop 3.04 Cyanogenmod 12 (Korean) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-L
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltekor marshmallow 3.04 Cyanogenmod 13 (Korean) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-M
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltekor-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Korean) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltespr lollipop 3.04 Cyanogenmod 12 (Sprint) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-L
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltespr marshmallow 3.04 Cyanogenmod 13 (Sprint) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-M
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltespr-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Sprint) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 hltevzw-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.0 (Verizon) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/idleKernel-note3.git -b ik-nethunter-touchwiz
Sony Xperia Z1 honami marshmallow 3.04 LineageOS 13.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_Hanomi.git -b master
Sony Xperia Z1 honami pie 3.04 LineageOS 16 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_Hanomi.git -b master
HTC 10 htc_pmewl marshmallow 3.18 HTC 10 Sense 8.0 S1CAR1US git clone https://github.com/S1CAR1US/nethunter_kernel_htc_pmewl.git
Xiaomi Redmi 3/3 Pro ido nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection ariafan git clone https://github.com/ariafan/ido_kernel-kali.git -b kali-new
Galaxy J7Pro j7y17lte pie 3.18 One UI CDROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU S133PY git clone https://github.com/Thiviyan/KRAKEN_7870_Nethunter -b nethunter
Yu Yunique jalebi nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection Satyabrat Sahoo git clone https://github.com/thelazyindian/kernel_8916.git -b cm-14.1-nethunter
Galaxy S4 (International LTE, GSM) jfltexx marshmallow 3.04 Cyanogenmod 13 semsevens git clone https://github.com/semsevens/nethunter_kernel_jfltexx.git -b cm-13.0
Galaxy S4 (International LTE, GSM) jfltexx nougat 3.04 Cyanogenmod 14.1 HID, Injection fasheng git clone https://github.com/fasheng/nethunter_kernel_jfltexx.git -b cm-14.1
Jiayu S3 Advanced jiayus3a marshmallow 3.10 Stock Android HID DKingCN git clone https://github.com/DKingCN/android_kernel_jiayu_s3_h560.git -b nethunter-6.0
Huawei Honor 5x kiwi marshmallow 3.10 CyanogenMod 13 CDROM, HID, Injection DeadSquirrel01 git clone https://github.com/DeadSquirrel01/android_kernel_huawei_kiwi.git -b cm-13.0
Samsung Galaxy S5 klte nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (GSM) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klte-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (GSM) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klte-touchwiz marshmallow 3.04 TouchWiz 6.0 (GSM) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltechn nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (China) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltechnduo nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (China Duos) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteduos nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (LTE Duos) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteduos-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (LTE Duos) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltekdi nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (Japan) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltekdi-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (Japan) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltekor nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (Korea) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteskt-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (Korea) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteskt-touchwiz marshmallow 3.04 TouchWiz 6.0 (Korea) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-6.0
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltespr nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 (US Sprint, UK Vodafone, and Oceanic) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltespr-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (US Sprint, UK Vodafone, and Oceanic) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteusc-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (US Cellular) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltevzw-touchwiz lollipop 3.04 TouchWiz 5.1 (US Verizon) CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_klte.git -b touchwiz-5.1
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini kminilte nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 CDROM, HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_samsung_kminilte.git -b N
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini kminilte oreo 3.04 LineageOS 15.0 CDROM, HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_samsung_kminilte.git -b O
Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini kminilte pie 3.04 LineageOS 16.0 CDROM, HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_samsung_kminilte.git -b P
Xiaomi Mi A3 laurel_sprout eleven 4.14 LineageOS 18.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, CDROM, RTL88XXAU, QCACLD, RTL8818EUS, NFS, Internal BT, RTL-BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_xiaomi_laurel_sprout -b lineage-18.1
Xiaomi Mi A3 laurel_sprout twelve 4.14 LineageOS 19.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, CDROM, RTL88XXAU, QCACLD, RTL8818EUS, NFS, Internal BT, RTL-BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_xiaomi_laurel_sprout -b lineage-18.1
Xiaomi Mi A3 laurel_sprout thirteen 4.14 LineageOS 20 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, CDROM, RTL88XXAU, QCACLD, RTL8818EUS, NFS, Internal BT, RTL-BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_xiaomi_laurel_sprout -b lineage-18.1
Xiaomi Mi A1 tissot eleven 4.9 Pixel Expirience, LineageOS BT_RFCOMM, Internal BT, HID-4, Injection, CD-ROM, RTL8812AU, RTL8812BU, RTL8814AU, RTL8188EUS, RTL8188FU, RTL8192EUS, RTL8192FU JIaxyga git clone https://github.com/JIaxyga/nethunter_kernel_xiaomi_tissot -b nethunter_eleven
Nexus 4 mako kitkat 3.04 Android 4 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-mako-3.4-kitkat-mr2
Nexus 4 mako lollipop 3.04 Android 5 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-mako-3.4-lollipop-release
Nexus 4 makocm marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_mako.git -b cm-13.0
Lenovo K8 Note manning nougat 3.18 Android 7.1 Byom Dwivedi git clone https://github.com/MotorolaMobilityLLC/kernel-mtk.git -b nougat-7.1.1-release-manning
Nexus 10 manta lollipop 3.04 Android 5 BT_RFCOMM, CDROM, HID, Injection jmmmbnnn git clone https://github.com/jmmmbnnn/kernel_samsung_manta.git -b thunderkat
Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime markw oreo 3.18 LineageOS 15.1 HID, Injection fasheng git clone https://github.com/fasheng/nethunter_kernel_msm8953_markw -b Nosgoth
Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime markw pie 3.18 LineageOS 16 HID, Injection fasheng git clone https://github.com/fasheng/nethunter_kernel_msm8953_markw -b Nosgoth
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X mido-pe11 eleven 4.9 Pixel Experience kernel with nethunter features enabled HID, Injection, RTL88XAU linlinger git clone https://github.com/linlinger/kernel_xiaomi_mido.git -b nethunter-pe
Xiaomi MiPad 1 mocha kitkat 3.10 CyanogenMod 11 CDROM, Injection RahulTheVirus! git clone https://github.com/RahulTheVirus/mocha-kernels.git -b nethunter-cm11
Xiaomi MiPad 1 mocha lollipop 3.10 CyanogenMod 12.1 CDROM, Injection RahulTheVirus! git clone https://github.com/RahulTheVirus/mocha-kernels.git -b nethunter-cm12.1
Samsung Galaxy J7Prime j7y17lte pie 3.18 One UI CDROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU S133PY git clone https://github.com/Thiviyan/KRAKEN_7870_Nethunter -b nethunter
HTC One M7 onem7gpe lollipop 3.04 Google Play Edition 5.1 HID, Injection Lavanoid clone https://github.com/lavanoid/android_kernel_htc_m7gpe -b android-5.1
HTC One M8 onem8gpe marshmallow 3.04 Google Play Edition 6 CDROM, HID, Injection Lavanoid git clone https://github.com/lavanoid/android_kernel_htc_m8gpe -b android-6.0
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 kitkat 3.04 CyanogenMod 11 Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/AK-OnePone.git -b cm-11.0
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 lollipop 3.04 CyanogenMod 12.1 HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/AK-OnePone.git -b cm-12.1
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/AK-OnePone.git -b cm-13.0
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 nougat 3.04 CyanogenMod 14.1 HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8974.git -b cm-14.1 oneplus14
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 oreo 3.04 CyanogenMod 15.1 HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_oppo_msm8974.git -b lineage-15.1 oneplus15
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 pie 3.04 CyanogenMod 16 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_oppo_msm8974.git -b lineage-16.0 oneplus16
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 ten 3.04 LineageOS 17.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, CDROM yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_oppo_msm8974.git -b lineage-17.1 oneplus17.1
OnePlus 1 oneplus1 eleven 3.04 LineageOS 18.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, CDROM, Internal BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_oppo_msm8974.git -b lineage-18.1 oneplus18.1
OnePlus 2 oneplus2 lollipop 3.10 Oxygen OS Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b boeffla_oos3
OnePlus 2 oneplus2cm lollipop 3.10 CyanogenMod 12.1 CD-ROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b cm-12.1
OnePlus 2 oneplus2cm marshmallow 3.10 CyanogenMod 13.0 CD-ROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b cm-13.0
OnePlus 2 oneplus2cm nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 CD-ROM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b cm-14.1
OnePlus 2 oneplus2cm oreo 3.10 LineageOS 15.1 CD-ROM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b cm-15.1
OnePlus 2 oneplus2cm pie 3.10 LineageOS 16.0 CD-ROM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b cm-16.0
OnePlus 2 oneplus2oos marshmallow 3.10 Oxygen OS CD-ROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994.git -b 6.0.1-oos
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3 marshmallow 3.18 Oxygen OS CD-ROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8996.git -b ElementalX
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3 nougat 3.18 Oxygen OS CD-ROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8996.git -b nethunter-7.0
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3-any pie 3.18 Oxygen OS 9.0 CD-ROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU Re4son git clone https://github.com/re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8996.git -b nethunter-9.0
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3-any ten 3.18 LineageOS 17.1 BT_RFCOMM, CD-ROM, HID, Injection, RTL8812AU, Internal BT Re4son git clone https://github.com/re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8996_lineageos.git -b nethunter-17.1
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3-cm nougat 3.18 LineageOS Injection zanezam git clone https://github.com/zanezam/boeffla-kernel-cm-oneplus3.git -b t_boeffla_cm14_nethunter-V1_aa64u541
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3-oos nougat 3.18 Oneplus 3 Oxygen OS Injection zanezam git clone https://github.com/zanezam/boeffla-kernel-oos-oneplus3.git -b t_boeffla_cm14_nethunter-V1_aa64u541
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3t-cm nougat 3.18 LineageOS 14 Injection zanezam git clone https://github.com/zanezam/boeffla-kernel-cm-oneplus3.git -b t_boeffla_cm14_nethunter-V1_aa64u541
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3t-los oreo 3.18 Oneplus 3T LineageOs 15.1 CD-ROM, HID, Injection flypatriot git clone https://github.com/flypatriot/boeffla-kernel-los-nethunter-oneplus3T.git -b t_boeffla_lineage15_nethunter
OnePlus 3 & 3T oneplus3t-oos nougat 3.18 Oxygen OS Oneplus 3T Injection zanezam git clone https://github.com/zanezam/boeffla-kernel-oos-oneplus3.git -b t_boeffla_cm14_nethunter-V1_aa64u541
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-oos nougat 4.04 Oxygen OS 4 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/nethunteros/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998 -b boeffla_oos4 oneplus5
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-cm nougat 4.04 CyanogenMod 14 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/nethunteros/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8998 -b boeffla_cm14 oneplus5
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-los 13 4.04 LineageOS 20.0 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, RTL8187 seppzer0 git clone -b v0.3.2 https://github.com/seppzer0/s0nh_kernel
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-pa 13 4.04 ParanoidAndroid Topaz 8 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, RTL8187 seppzer0 git clone -b v0.3.2 https://github.com/seppzer0/s0nh_kernel
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-los-ksu 13 4.04 LineageOS 20.0 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, RTL8187, KernelSU seppzer0 git clone -b v0.3.2 https://github.com/seppzer0/s0nh_kernel
OnePlus 5 / 5T oneplus5-pa-ksu 13 4.04 ParanoidAndroid Topaz 8 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU, RTL8187, KernelSU seppzer0 git clone -b v0.3.2 https://github.com/seppzer0/s0nh_kernel
OnePlus 6 / 6T oneplus6 ten 4.09 Oxygen OS 10 HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/DJY-Nethunter-Andrax-Kernel-Source -b nethunter-10.0
OnePlus 6 / 6T oneplus6 eleven 4.09 Oxygen OS 11 HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/android_kernel_oneplus6 -b nethunter
OnePlus 6 / 6T oneplus6 twelve 4.09 Lineageos 19.1 HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/android_kernel_oneplus6 -b nethunter
OnePlus 7 / 7 Pro / 7T / 7T Pro oneplus7-oos pie 4.14 Oxygen OS 9 HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_sm8150 -b nethunter-9.0
OnePlus 7 / 7 Pro / 7T / 7T Pro oneplus7-oos ten 4.14 Oxygen OS 10 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, RTL8188EUS, Internal BT Re4son & yesimxev git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_oneplus_sm8150_draco -b nethunter-10.0
OnePlus 7 / 7 Pro / 7T / 7T Pro oneplus7-oos eleven 4.14 Oxygen OS 11 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/nethunter_kernel_oneplus7 -b nethunter-11.0
OnePlus 8 / 8T / 8 Pro oneplus8-all eleven 4.19 OxygenOS/Custom A11 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, Internal WLAN monitor mode flyP@TR!0T git clone https://github.com/flypatriot/neutrino_kernel_oneplus_sm8250.git -b neutrino-nethunter
OnePlus 8 / 8T / 8 Pro oneplus8-all twelve 4.19 OxygenOS/Custom A12 BT_RFCOMM, HID, Injection, QCACLD, RTL8812AU, Internal WLAN monitor mode flyP@TR!0T git clone https://github.com/flypatriot/crdroid_12_kernel.git -b 12.0-nethunter
OnePlus X oneplusxcm marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/nethunter_kernel_onyx.git -b cm-13.0
Motorola Moto G 2015 osprey nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID rajeshdubey293 git clone https://github.com/rajeshdubey293/kernel_osprey-cm-14.1 -b cm-14.1
Motorola Moto G 2015 osprey oreo 3.10 LineageOS 15.1 HID rajeshdubey293 git clone https://github.com/rajeshdubey293/kernel_osprey-oreo -b oreo-mr1
Motorola Moto X4 payton-los ten 4.4 LineageOS 17.1 HID Injection RTL8812AU BT_RFCOMM ciropom git clone https://github.com/ciropom/android_nethunter_kernel_motorola_msm8998.git -b lineage-17.1
Motorola Moto X4 payton-los thirteen 4.4 LineageOS 20 HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, BT_RFCOMM, Internal BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_motorola_msm8998 -b lineage-20
Sony Xperia 10 II pdx201-los thirteen 4.14.19 LineageOS 20 HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, BT_RFCOMM, Internal BT Mashopy git clone https://github.com/lineageos-on-pdx201/android_kernel_sony_sm6125 -b lineage-20
Nokia 6.1 pl2 eleven 4.4 LineageOS 18.1 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, CDROM, Internal BT, RTL8188EUS yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_nokia_sdm660 -b lineage-18.1
Nokia 6.1 pl2 thirteen 4.4 LineageOS 20 BT_RFCOMM, HID-4, Injection, RTL88XXAU, CDROM, Internal BT, RTL8188EUS, RTL-BT yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/android_kernel_nokia_sdm660 -b lineage-20
Motorola Moto G5 Plus potter-nougat nougat 3.18 LineageOS 14.1 chankruze git clone https://github.com/chankruze/potter_kali_kernel -b cm-14.1
Motorola Moto G5 Plus potter pie 3.18 LineageOS 16 HID rajeshdubey293 git clone https://github.com/rajeshdubey293/Optimus_Drunk_Potter.git -b 9.0
Realme 5/5i/5s rmx1911 twelve 4.14 1.0 Android 12L Corvus vS4.1-Eclipse Mikhail Simon git clone https://github.com/mikhailsimon/nethunter-r5x
Realme 5 Pro rmx1971 snow cone 4.9 Android 12 HID, Injection Alynx git clone https://github.com/V3rB0se/Alynx-RMX1971
LeEco Le 2 s2 nougat 3.10 CyanogenMod 14.1 Rishabh Rao git clone https://github.com/nethunter-s2/android_kernel_leeco_s2.git -b cm-14.1
Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro sakura ten 4.09 Injection dek0der git clone 'https://github.com/dek0der/nethunter_kernel_redmi_6_pro_sakura'
Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro sakura eleven 4.09 Injection dek0der git clone 'https://github.com/dek0der/nethunter_kernel_redmi_6_pro_sakura'
Xiaomi Redmi 4X santoni-miui nougat 3.18 MIUI 9.0 santoni git clone https://github.com/DroidKali/santoni_kernel_nethunter.git
Nexus 6 shamu lollipop 3.04 Android 5 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-shamu-3.10-lollipop-release
Nexus 6 shamu marshmallow 3.04 Android 6 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-shamu-3.10-marshmallow-release
Nexus 6 shamu nougat 3.04 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection Binkybear git clone https://github.com/binkybear/kernel_msm.git -b android-msm-shamu-3.10-n
Nexus 6 shamu-cm nougat 3.04 LineageOS 14.1 discipuloosho git clone https://github.com/discipuloosho/android_kernel_moto_shamu.git -b nethunter_cm-14.1
Nexus 6 shamu-cm pie 3.04 Android 16.0 CDROM, HID, Injection Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_moto_shamu.git -b nethunter-16.0
nVidea Shield Tablet shieldtablet marshmallow 3.10 Android 6.0 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_nvidia_shield.git -b nethunter-6.0
nVidea Shield Tablet shieldtablet nougat 3.10 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_nvidia_shield.git -b nethunter-6.0
nVidea Shield Tablet shieldtablet nougat 3.10 Android 7.1 CDROM, HID, Injection SecurityAddicted git clone https://github.com/SecurityAddicted/android_kernel_nvidia_shieldtablet nethunter
Nothing Phone (1) spacewar twelve 5.4 AOSP/AOSPA Android 12 CDROM, HID-4, RTL88XXAU, NFS, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM, Injection kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/android_kernel_nothing_sm7325 -b nethunter-stable
Nothing Phone (1) spacewar thirteen 5.4 AOSP/AOSPA Android 13 CDROM, HID-4, RTL88XXAU, NFS, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM, Injection kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/android_kernel_nothing_sm7325 -b nethunter-stable
Nothing Phone (1) spacewar fourteen 5.4 AOSP/AOSPA Android 14 CDROM, HID-4, RTL88XXAU, NFS, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM, Injection kimocoder git clone https://github.com/kimocoder/android_kernel_nothing_sm7325 -b nethunter-stable
Samsung Galaxy S9+ star2lte SM-G965F exynos9810 star2lte-los thirteen 4.9 LineageOS 20 HID-4_at_android_terminal_type_setprop_sys.usb.config_hid, Injection_monitormode_RTL8812AU, Internal_BT, BT_RFCOMM, Docker mylezgoose git https://github.com/mylesgoose/android_kernel_samsung_exynos9810.git -b lineage-20
Sony Xperia Z5 Compact suzuran nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection, Nexmon, RTL8812AU Re4son git clone https://github.com/Re4son/android_kernel_sony_msm8994 android-14.1
TicWatch Pro ticwatchpro wearos 3.18 WearOS 2.29 Injection, HID, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/msm-catfish-9.0-wear-os
TicWatch Pro 3 ticwatchpro3 wearos 4.09 WearOS 2.44 Injection, HID-4, NFS, Internal BT, BT_RFCOMM yesimxev git clone https://github.com/yesimxev/mobvoi-ticwatch-kernel -b nethunter
LG V20 US Version us996 nougat 3.18 Android 7.0 HID, Injection jcadduono git clone https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_lge_msm8996 -b android-7.0
Motorola Moto X2 (2014) victara nougat 3.04 CyanogenMod 14.1 HID, Injection DSR! git clone https://github.com/xchwarze/nethunter-motorola-x2-kernel -b cm-14.1
Huawei P9 eva oreo 4.04 EMUI HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU vvvbbbcz git clone https://gitlab.com/vvvbbbcz/android_kernel_huawei_hi3650.git -b upstream
Huawei P9 eva pie 4.04 LineageOS 16.0 HID, Injection, RTL88XXAU vvvbbbcz git clone https://gitlab.com/vvvbbbcz/android_kernel_huawei_hi3650.git -b upstream
Huawei P9 Plus vienna marshmallow 4.04 MIUI 8 HID, Injection 5h4d0wb0y git clone https://github.com/5h4d0wb0y/android_kernel_huawei_vienna.git -b 6.x
Huawei P9 Plus vienna nougat 4.04 MIUI 9 Injection 5h4d0wb0y git clone https://github.com/5h4d0wb0y/android_kernel_huawei_vienna.git -b 7.x
Huawei P9 Plus vienna oreo 4.04 MIUI 10 Injection 5h4d0wb0y git clone https://github.com/5h4d0wb0y/android_kernel_huawei_vienna.git
Sony Xperia Z yuga marshmallow 3.04 CyanogenMod 13 HID, Injection Daedroza git clone https://github.com/daedroza/nethunter_kernel_apq8064.git -b master
Asus Zenfone 2 Laser Z00E marshmallow 3.10 LineageOS 13.0 HID, Injection adrenogamer git clone https://github.com/adrenogamer/android_kernel_asus_msm8916 -b cm-13.0
Samsung Galaxy S6 zeroflte nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 XXH3X git clone https://github.com/XXH3X/Exynos7420_Nethunter -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S6 zeroflte-tw nougat 3.10 Android 7.0 XXH3X git clone https://github.com/XXH3X/Ultimate-Kali
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge zerolte nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 XXH3X git clone https://github.com/XXH3X/Exynos7420_Nethunter -b cm-14.1
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge zerolte-tw nougat 3.10 Android 7.0 XXH3X git clone https://github.com/XXH3X/Ultimate-Kali
Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE (2015) j5lte nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection djkido316 git clone https://github.com/djkido316/nethunter-kernel_j5
Samsung Galaxy J5 NFC LTE (2015) j5nlte nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection djkido316 git clone https://github.com/djkido316/nethunter-kernel_j5
Samsung Galaxy J5 3G (2015) j53g nougat 3.10 LineageOS 14.1 HID, Injection djkido316 git clone https://github.com/djkido316/nethunter-kernel_j5
Realme C15 Mediatek RMX2185 ten 4.9 4.9 LineageOS 17.1 Injection, RTL88XXAU, HID-4, BT_RFCOMM, NFS, CDROM, Internal BT, RTL-BT Frostleaft07 git clone https://github.com/Frostleaft07/android_kernel_realme_mt6765 -b Nethunter

This table was generated automatically on 2024-August-27 07:07:20 from the Kali NetHunter GitLab repository